Meet Serverseer

Serverseer is a tiny Mac app that shows you a general overview of your servers.

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Powered by Buttondown.

Filled with Conveniences

Search your servers by name or IP address. Copy server details, including name, IP addresses, and specs. Need more information or want to make changes to the server? Go straight to the server's web page from the context menu.

Manage Accounts in One Place

Want to see your personal servers and work servers in one place? Serverseer works with Digital Ocean, Linode, Hetzner Cloud and Vultr. Add as many accounts for each as you like.

Dark/Light Mode

Serverseer uses your Mac's native theme so it fits right in no matter which theme you prefer.

Popular Providers

Serverseer supports some of the most popular server providers, including Digital Ocean, Linode, Hetzner Cloud, and Vultr—with more to come!